
class springfield.fields.AdaptableTypeField(default=Empty, doc=None, *args, **kwargs)

A Field that has a specific type and can be adapted to another type.


Convert the value to the self.type for this Field

classmethod register_adapter(from_cls, func)

Register a function that can handle adapting from from_cls for this field.

TODO This may be a bad idea, re-evaluate how to register adapters.

class springfield.fields.BooleanField(default=Empty, doc=None, *args, **kwargs)

A Field that contains a bool.


Adapt value to a bool.


A boolean-like value.

A float, int, or long will be converted to:

  • True if equal to 1
  • False if equal to 0

String values will be converted to (case-insensitive):

  • True if equal to “yes”, “true”, “1”, or “on”
  • False if equal to “no”, “false”, “0”, or “off”

alias of bool

class springfield.fields.BytesField(encoding='base64', *args, **kwargs)

A Field that contains binary bytes.

The field has an encoding to use for json/unicode conversion, such as ‘base64’ (the default) or ‘hex’.

If encoding == None, no encoding/decoding is performed for JSON/unicode values which mean JSON itself will have to escape the bytes using unicode escapes where necessary. This is most suitable for cases where the “bytes” are known to be ASCII 7-bit safe.

The encoding is used in adapt if the input is a unicode instance, and in jsonify always.


If the input is unicode, decode it into bytes. If it is already bytes, it is returned unchanged.

If an encoding was specific for the field, it is applied here if the input is unicode.

This assumes that the unicode only contains code points in the valid ranges for a byte - e.g. 0-255.

Parameters:value – Value to decode
Returns:bytes object

Encode the bytes into a unicode string suitable for json encoding.

If an encoding was specified for the field, it is applied here.


alias of str

class springfield.fields.CollectionField(field, *args, **kwargs)

A Field that can contain an ordered list of values matching a specific Field type.


Adapt all values of an iterable to the CollectionField‘s field type.


Convert all values of an iterable to the CollectionField‘s field type’s native Python type.


Convert all values of an iterable to the CollectionField‘s field type’s JSON type.

class springfield.fields.DateTimeField(default=Empty, doc=None, *args, **kwargs)

Field whose value is a Python datetime.datetime


Adapt value to a datetime.datetime instance.


A date-like value. RFC3339 formatted date-strings are supported.

If dateutil is installed, dateutil.parser.parse is used which supports many date formats.


Get the date as a RFC3339 date-string


alias of datetime

class springfield.fields.EmailField(default=Empty, doc=None, *args, **kwargs)

Field with an email value

class springfield.fields.EntityField(entity, *args, **kwargs)

Field that can contain an Entity


Convert an Entity to a dict containing native Python types.


Convert an Entity into a JSON object


Determine the type of the Entity that will be instantiated.

There are three ways to reference an Entity when using an EntityField:

  • ‘self’: A byte string referencing the class that is defining this
    EntityField as an attribute.
  • ‘{}’: A byte string referencing an importable callable
    that can be instantiated at field-instantiation time.
  • {Entity}: A type that subclasses Entity.

The order of operations during instantiation and resolution of the above references is important; During the creation of an Entity, the metaclass will call init() for fields defined on the class. This is useful for the ‘self’ reference so that the EntityField can be initialized with the class that is being instantiated during creation of the instance. For dotted-name class strings, this is too early since the dotted-name reference may not exist yet. For this reason, resolving the dotted-name reference is deferred to be as late as possible, in this case on the first read of the type property of this field.

The dotted-name references are stored in a map on the EntityField class to prevent resolving and importing the dotted-name on every instance of this EntityField.

type: A type to use when instantiating the Entity for this
class springfield.fields.Field(default=Empty, doc=None, *args, **kwargs)

A field


Convert the value from the input type to the expected type if needed.

Returns:The adapted value

Get the value as a basic Python type

Parameters:value – An Entity‘s value for this Field

Initialize the field for its owner Entity class. Any specialization that needs to be done based on the Entity class itself should be done here.

Parameters:cls – An Entity class.

Get the value as a suitable JSON type

Parameters:value – An Entity‘s value for this Field

Create a descriptor for this Field to attach to an Entity.

class springfield.fields.FieldDescriptor(name, field)

A descriptor that handles setting and getting Field values on an Entity.

class springfield.fields.FloatField(default=Empty, doc=None, *args, **kwargs)

A Field that contains a float.


Adapt value to a float.


Can be an int, float, long, or a str or unicode that looks like a float.

long values will remain `long`s.


alias of float

class springfield.fields.IdField(default=Empty, doc=None, *args, **kwargs)

A Field that is used as the primary identifier for an Entity

TODO This should accept another Field type to contain the ID

class springfield.fields.IntField(default=Empty, doc=None, *args, **kwargs)

A Field that contains an int.


Adapt value to an int.


Can be an int, float, long, or a str or unicode that looks like an int.

float or long values must represent an integer, i.e. no decimal places.


alias of int

class springfield.fields.SlugField(default=Empty, doc=None, *args, **kwargs)

Field whose value is a slugified string.

A slug is a string converted to lowercase with whitespace replace with a “-” and non-ascii chars converted to their ascii equivalents.


Adapt value to a slugified string.

Parameters:value – Any string-like value
class springfield.fields.StringField(default=Empty, doc=None, *args, **kwargs)

A Field that contains a unicode string.


Adapt value to unicode.


alias of unicode

class springfield.fields.UrlField(default=Empty, doc=None, *args, **kwargs)

Field with a URL value


Validate that the value has a valid URL format containing a scheme and network location using urlparse.

Parameters:value – A url-like value.
Returns:URL with sheme and network location in lower case.